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Raspberry Buttercream

1 cup unsalted butter (room temperature)

1/4 cup fresh raspberry puree

1/2 tsp salt

5 cups confectioners sugar (pure cane)

2 tsp raspberry extract

gel food coloring (optional)


In your mixer, first blend your butter and raspberry puree on low until well mixed. (Don't skip this step because your frosting will separate if you don't blend the raspberry puree well with the butter)


Add salt and raspberry extract and blend. Add confectioners sugar and mix on low until well blended. 


You can now blend in some gel food coloring to reach the color that you want. 


I like to top these with some extra raspberry puree and a raspberry.


*For a stiffer frosting, you can add more confectioners sugar 1/4 cup at a time until it reaches the desired consistency.

Raspberry Buttercream: Product
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